I’m Nicole, an independent designer and visual artist living in Colorado. My specialization is traditional and digital media, but I also enjoy the fabrication of handmade art objects and working to bring commission pieces to life.

I have always been fascinated with what is behind the things of this world. What drives us, what gives us meaning. What is hidden, and can it be revealed? At first I was fascinated with how we thought, studying philosophy and psychology to get at the process of thinking. Then, I was taken with how we believe, examining religion and spirituality during my time at Duke University in North Carolina. But, meaning came in an odd form for me for a time, as a cup of coffee shared between friends and acquaintances.

Roasting coffee required me to understand the bean from start to finish to be able to honor the effort of everyone on the chain with a good roast highlighting the coffees great attributes. It’s sensory science, but it’s also deep consideration and intuitive understanding of how the roast operates. After all that roasting coffee is relating that cup in an accessible way, sharing it openly with someone else and appreciating their experience of that same cup. Coffee builds community, and openness and understanding, in addition to craft and work ethic.

While I still enjoy a good cup, (and love to share my favorite roasters), I realized it was time to dig a little deeper again, and find new meaning in a long held passion: Art. And so, with my trusty Shiba, Yagi, in tow, I face a new horizon. Let the journey begin!
